Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Ok, so I'm a slacker. I can't even manage to update even when I say I'm going to. These last few weeks have been a little crazy. My work schedule changed so I am supposed to be working 5 days a week now, nearly full-time. I haven't been full-time since the week before I delivered Ari, so now I have been scrambling to find time in the evenings and weekends to clean house and spend time with family. Needless to say I am alive and will hopefully post some pictures soon.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mark and Jamie

There are two families I would like to ask you to pray for, but I will share about just one for now. AJ has a coworker/friend who's husband Mark has a kidney disease. It is genetic, so his sister also has it. They both had living donors lined up because the disease is rapidly worsening. The donor for the sister fell through, so Mark released his donor for his sister. Afterwards, he just found out that his condition is worse than they thought. Thankfully, they are believers and have trusted in the Lord that His plan is the best plan, no matter what. But as we wait to see what that plan is, I would like to ask you to pray for their family and three daughters. Specifically, that another donor will be found for Mark but more importantly that this situation will bring glory to God. Also, the fundraising event for his transplant is taking place next weekend, so please pray for a successful event. In case you are in the area and would like to participate (or would like to donate a kidney), here is the information.

Saturday, April 17th 8am
Neighborhood Run/Walk located at Mt. Pleasant Christian Church with suggested donations
The address is 381 N Bluff Rd, Greenwood 46142

Sunday, April 18th Noon - 5p
Blood drive, Silent auction, family activities, and $10 manicures and/or haircuts

You can find more information on the facebook page Sharing Life Community Event or you can contact them by email at

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sounds like "Go Dawgs"

He doesn't really speak English yet, but I sure heard him say Go Dawgs!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

his baby cousin

First he was enjoying her comfy seat...

Then cuddling with her blanket that matches his (great-grandma made)

Ohhh, can you resist that face?

We tried to get him to lay like her and look at the camera

But he decided it would be more fun to try and pick her up

Maybe next time!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

a boy and his stick

So many new excitements outside, but one in particular catches his attention

Shake it like a polaroid picture...

He just can't bottle the excitement