Hitting 10 years seems like a big milestone. I know it's one of many, but to say goodbye to single digits forever just marks a new stage in life.
His artistic ability continues to grow and his passion for drawing hasn't subsided at all.
Turning 10 meant that he could have a friends birthday party. After much deliberation on what he should do with his friends, he chose bowling, pizza, and dessert.
This was Lincoln's first time bowling, and he loved it!
His group of friends are solid. I love how they always get a long, keep each other laughing, spark creativity, and love Jesus.
Ari loves his siblings, despite the times he thinks they are messing with his toys, and will be a huge help when he new sister arrives in April. He is realistic though when thinking about what it means to have a baby around...waking up at night, crying, etc. But he has a tender heart...I know he will be great at taking care of her.
I've seen a huge difference in his fear level. He is not so much that timid little boy anymore...now he says bring on a challenge! He has been water skiing, tubing, and jumped at the chance to stand on this sled all the way down the hill. His sense of adventure seems full blown now.
His timidity has also improved in other areas too. He ran for Student Council (which required public speaking) and is now serving the student body at school. He had the opportunity to do the closing prayer for the Veteran's Day Chapel in front of the entire elementary. Yikes!
Things he is interested in at 10: bubble making, dinosaurs, gorillas, 3D pen, drawing, basketball, and soccer.
Even though having a ten year old makes me feel old...I love this stage in life. He continues to learn and grow at a rapid pace and I love seeing him get excited about God's creation. Being the oldest comes with more responsibility and he has always stepped up to help. I love seeing him grow and mature. What a special privilege to be his mom!