Annie has been with us through lots of life changes: our engagement (she was a witness!), college graduation, our wedding, our first house, and now a new baby. She has always been there to comfort us when we are sick and to cuddle us when we are cold. She definitely has a personality of her own. For those of you who don't know her, she is very protective of us at first, and also very jealous. She does like to bark but really keeps that at a minimum nowadays. (It helps now that we actually have blinds up on our windows.) Her favorite past time is sitting up in her room and watching out the window. (Yes, she does have her own room and she knows it.) She also has her own water cups that sit on the end table in the living room as well as one next to our bed for when she gets thirsty at night. So some people might think that is ridiculous but I figure if she is going to be spoiled, it might as well be on something harmless rather than feeding her table food.
Well enough rambling for now (cause I could go on and on)...here are some pics!

These two pics of us holding her are when she was really little with floppy ears!
Annie was being chased by AJ so she is in her "ready to move" stance. These last two are from last night.
Here she is trying to reach her ball that rolled under the couch. I'm pretty sure she would sit there and stare at the ball until someone got it out for her. She was like a little kid at Christmas when we got it out from under there.
Yes! Mamabeaz first to post...
Nice posts, welcome to Blog World! LOL! Yeah, I was excited to start ours, now I only post here and there. Not to exciting now. I have to agree with the first post.
YAY! Another one to add to my favorites:) I do enjoy reading them more than writing my own, but I will get better hopefully. Hope everything is going well, and we can't wait to meet the new arrival hopefully soon (as im sure you are more than ready)
Glad you joined the blogging club, Angel! :) I'm praying for you this week...looking forward to hearing about the arrival of your little guy!
your dog is a sociopath. An honest to goodness sociopath.
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