Monday, February 3, 2014

11 months

The days are flying by and I'm getting close to having a one year old, again. She keeps me busy but I'm enjoying these days so much.

She continues to have a hearty appetite and won't let anyone else get away with eating unless she is included.

She needs a bath after every meal because she prefers to feed herself. It took me a few days to realize why she was refusing the spoon. Once I plopped the mess on her tray she didn't hesitate to shove fistfuls in at a time!

She gives the funniest looks and generally scrunches up her nose to smile. The hair is coming in nice and even (shock!) and we've successfully had a bow clipped in for 30 minutes without it being removed :)

Tooth #3 just popped through!

She has figured out getting around the kitchen by pushing chairs around. She mainly crawls everywhere and has recently started "cruising" at a slow pace. I try to get her to practice walking with my hands but after a few steps she is aggravated and either cries or plops down on her bottom.

She has started pointing with her whole hand and saying "eh-eh" at something she wants. Sometimes it is even followed by a little "fit" if she can't get what she wants. :)

She figured out how to get out of the chair...

but then decided she wanted back up.

She tried so hard but her little legs weren't quite long enough!

I wish I could say that she is a great sleeper. We've had many long, hard nights with barely any sleep. A "good" night is usually only waking up 1 or 2 times, instead of 4 or 5. :) It's hard to know what the problem is (i.e. teeth, hungry, or just spoiled). I do have to say that my husband is a huge contributor at night which allows us both to get some rest. At this point it's not frustrating every time she wakes up. It's more like "Oh good, I just got 2 hours solid sleep so it's my turn". Sounds crazy but we accepted years ago that sleep is one thing that a parent must sacrifice, so why not have a good attitude right? Because then I can justify indulging in coffee the next morning and realizing how much joy they bring us no matter what :)


Katy said...

2 wake ups at night is a good night for Liberty, too ;)

Extraordinary Ordinary Life said...

She's so cute!

Erin H said...

She is looking a lot like AJ!