Friday, June 19, 2009

An Infestation and No Air

It has been close to two weeks since our air conditioning has worked. Surprisingly it hasn't been too uncomfortable. Let me restate hasn't been too uncomfortable for me, but AJ on the other hand has been missing it. His car doesn't have air conditioning and his windows don't work so his drive home every day is pretty hot, especially since he is wearing a suit. Then he comes home to no air and has a hard time cooling off.

I on the other hand still sleep under our sheet and down blanket! Our house has been averaging a temperature of 78 degrees. Mmmm the warmth.

There have been a few moments when I thought I was going to loose my mind. However, it wasn't from the temperature!

We had been keeping our windows open to get any little breeze we could, but they didn't have screens. Our house was being taken over by insects. This is no exaggeration.

There were ants marching in one-by-one and taking over our pantry, food dish for Annie, our master bath, Annie's room, and our office downstairs. We had a wasp/spider nest that was built in our closet that was made of mud! (It looked like a wasp nest, but there was a mother spider and about 5-6 babies living in it.) Not to mention the random ones that flew in just to be greeted by our fly swatter.

I spent most of my days fighting off bees, wasps, spiders, and ants. And spent most of my nights sleeping with one eye open, stricken with paranoia that I was going to find one in my bed. I get the eebie-jeebies just thinking about it!

We finally got screens in and have been able to manage pretty well since then. Still finding some wasps here and there...moving so slowly from being trapped in our house.

My wonderful husband took care of all the ants for me. That was a large task.

Now back to the air story...

We have already pre-paid for an annual check-up on our air conditioner but they told us we had to wait until July 10th to get someone out there. Well we waited about a week or so and AJ decided to call back and beg them to come sooner. So they are coming to fix it next Friday. Well so we hope. Our unit is 14 yrs old, and I'm pretty sure it just needs some freon. I guess we'll find out in a week!


Sarah said...

I'm so sorry! We have a couple of windows with missing screens (well, they're not technically missing, just removed so Josh could do some painting around the trim) Anyway, he hasn't put them back in yet and I made the mistake of opening the windows a few times...we have a major fly problem now! I hope they get your air working. Maybe you should set up a sprinkler for AJ when he gets home. :) Ari might enjoy that too...especially since it's going to be in the mid 90's today!

Erin H said...

Oh no! Good luck with the air conditioning and good ridance to those spiders. Ick!

Heidi Stone said...

Wow, at least YOU like the heat! LOL. Tell AJ I said you all are welcome here anytime you need a break from the heat! :)


Amy's Anecdotes said...

What a coincendence. We are also without air (as of yesterday). To us, it is absolutely miserable because we like it cool. We plan to take a lot of day trips till it gets fixed. I believe we have someone coming on Tuesday, so you are more than welcome to hang out here during the day after that till yours gets fixed.