Wednesday, June 17, 2009

As of late

Sorry for such a long delay! Since my internet access is limited, I usually try and post on days I am at work. However, work has been extremely busy and I haven't had any extra time to mess around on here. Anyway, we have been up to a whole lot.

My grandparents are in town from Florida for the rest of this week, so trying to spend some time with them.

Went to an Indians game. Thanks Amy, Keith, and Luke for such a fun time!

Had a garage sale. A successful one at that! For not selling baby clothes or toys I would say it was pretty decent.

Tearing out some bushes. (Pictures to come)

Gardening. We have six tomato plants, one squash, one red pepper, and some green beans. Surprisingly all is looking very good! (Pictures to come)

And of course keeping up with the little guy!

This picture was from last night...eating dinner in a large bowl. Hey whatever makes the kid happy! Haha

These other pictures were from a few weeks ago when it was freezing outside! I didn't think Ari would get a chance to wear his new hat and Colts jacket that we found at a garage sale. These were my favorite finds! I couldn't pick which picture I thought was the cutest so just had to post them all.


Extraordinary Ordinary Life said...

Poor child, you put him in a giant bowl to feed him. I guess it is kind of like the Bumbo right?

Erin H said...

Oh my goodness! That picture of Ari and AJ is adorable. I just love how Ari is smirking and pursing his little lips. It is my new screen saver at work. Love it!

Lindsey said...

He is so bright-eyed and has the cutest smile ever! And of course, I LOVE the hat!! :)