I tell you what, this girl is as sweet as they come. Smooshy cheeks. Chubby thighs. Obnoxious flower. And the bluest eyes.
She is grabby. No more holding her and getting things done. If I hold her I spend my time getting my hair untangled from her fingers...not to mention everything she grabs instantly goes in her mouth.
She no longer stays content on her back. She is a rolling machine and finds herself in the most unusual predicaments.
It doesn't take long though for her to realize that being on her belly really wasn't what she wanted. Selah is ready to go, go, go. She sees something and will lunge out of my arms for it. Poor girl will have to be frustrated for a while until she learns to crawl. Maybe she will be more motivated than my other two. Ari didn't crawl until 10 months and Evangeline was 12 months. Sheesh. I'm not a parent who complains about a mobile baby. They are much more happy when they can get in to things themselves.
This happy girl has had an interesting routine the last 2 months. She still sleeps for an 8 hour stretch at night (it used to be 10-11), but that leaves her waking up at 4:30 every morning wanting to eat. Thankfully she goes back to sleep for several more hours. She didn't used to do that before so I'm not sure if she does it out of habit now or what...but it's just easier to feed her than to let her cry it out :) Besides...how can I resist that face?
Even though she is chubby, she is still our smallest child to date. At six months she is 45% for weight and 30% for length. I should have had her tongue measured. Not that kids need their tongues measured, but still. It would be off the charts, I'm sure of it.
Squishy. Scrumptious. Doll-baby.
I love when she does this pose. It reminds me of those show dolphins who put their heads and tales up when they are propped out of the water.
Happy 6 months!
Oh my goodness! She is a doll baby!!! Absolutely adorable!
LOVED this post! She is soooo stinkin' cute! The dolphin pose made me laugh.
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