Wednesday, August 16, 2017

She is four! {Selah}

This is my workout buddy. She loves feeling so grown up she will go put on her "workout" clothes just to exercise with me.

She is so independent that sometimes I forget she is 4. Seems likes she is 8 with all the help she gives me around the house with the little ones. She loves being a big sister. If the babies (they are 2 and 1 but we still call them the babies) need anything, she is already 5 steps ahead of me preparing everything I need to change a diaper, or clothes, wipe noses, etc. 

Most of her day is spent drawing. I am astounded by her creativity and knowledge of so many things. (Knows all her letters, numbers-count by 5's, 10's, and to 100, how to spell everyone's names in our family-just to name a few).

Maybe she is more like a 25 year old stuck in a four year old body...she has to have her clothes laid out the night before and is usually the first one dressed in the morning. I can't say I know many people who are that prepared in advance.

Her birthday party was rescheduled several times due to major illness that plagued our family for a month, but when it finally came she was so thrilled. This was a huge step for her because her introverted nature usually leaves her stressed out and in tears. This was the first year she didn't cry at her own party!

Her favorite game to play now is UNO. And let me tell you, she is the UNO queen!

She loved dancing this past year and was very detailed about her practices each week. She still loves to dress up in leotards or other girly outfits when we are hanging around at home.

I'm not sure when it started, but she has a special goodnight kiss that she gives us. She thinks long and hard about what animal kiss she is going to give me and AJ. We have ranged from a unicorn, to elephant, to puffin, to caterpillar, and so on. It's super special!

I'm so proud of this little girl. She is a motivator, encourager, and helper. To be the middle child of six probably doesn't come easy, but she can hold her own as a big sibling. Love you sweet girl!

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