I can't begin to tell you how excited I was about all the snow. Honestly, I thought we were only going to get two inches. You know how the weathermen are. But I am so glad I was wrong! Here is Ari all ready for the snow. We had to make a trip over to work and surprisingly all the roads were clear! I just had to dig out our driveway during his nap.
Going out in the weather made Ari very sleepy! Here he is crashed on the floor taking a nap. Notice the black blob to the right of him. That is our cat, Mrs. Meowgi. (Not to be confused with Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid). She did however acquire that name from her mad skills in martial arts. But that is another story. Needless to say, she has adjusted quite nicely to then new addition in our family. And since Annie is a jealous dog, she had to get in on the camera action as well.
Speaking of Annie, she has a few stuffed squeaky animals that she loves. From day one she has always been able to tear into them in a matter of minutes just to get to the squeaker. Well there were two that she has had for quite some time, probably at least a year that she hasn't been able to get to. That is...until yesterday. Here is her poor bunny...
And here is Annie afterwards! You can't probably see it very well but the squeaker is laying in front of her. Gotta love her licking her chops! It must have been a fairly tasty bunny.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that my baby is already three months! Crazy how time flies when you're enjoying it.
Our dogs would always go for the eyes of any stuffed animal first. We had MANY blinded toys laying around!
Great update! Three months already?! WOW! Love his Colts hat.
I love the picture of Annie smacking her lips. Too funny! My little nephew is looking suter and cuter each day. I can't wait to make snow angels with him next year!
Oh ya I remember Annie, the yapping...the hair....the teeth. She's vicious. All because I simply looked in ya'lls back window. COME ON!!!!
I want to see a picture of Meowgi licking Ari's head. Keep your camera handy.
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