We went last night to get Ari's hair cut for the first time professionally. I have always done it (with the assistance of AJ) and have done a pretty good job. But this time was different seeing that he hadn't had it cut in many many months and the back was much longer than the top. I wanted his hair to get long but we are leaving for Florida this weekend and I didn't want him to get funny tan lines with long hair that was growing uneven.
Vacuuming is one of his favorite past times, so you can imagine how thrilled he was when the lady decided to vacuum right next to him.
I was so proud of him for sitting still. He got to watch daddy get his hair cut at the same time and he didn't move the whole time. He is such a big boy these days.
His English is picking up here and there, but he still signs for most things. He says ba-, da-, du-, and can almost spell the B-I-B-L-E. His version is the B-I-B-I-B. So cute. His favorite song is "This little light of mine" and gets his little light out to hide under a bushel. He even opens his hands up like a book when we say Bible and folds his hands to pray. I can't believe how fast he is growing up. I can hardly remember what it was like to have a baby that was so reliant on a parent. But he is very self-motivating now and likes to do things on his own.
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