AJ and I decided to find out the gender of this one so we would have the maximum amount of time for figuring out a name if the baby happened to be a girl. Boy name, no problem. Girl name, anxiety attack.
Once it was confirmed a girl we surprisingly didn't need the rest of the pregnancy, only a few weeks. I honestly thought this child was going to be nameless until birth...or even worse, that we wouldn't be able to take her home until she had a name. (Not sure if that is true or not, I had heard of someone able to bring their baby home then naming it 3 weeks later.)
We also have a certain way we chose our other kids names...so I wanted to stick with that and not just pick a name for the sake of having one. They are by no means "normal", but not completely wacky either. Their first names have some Biblical connotation and their middle names are from a family member.
We had finally made a list of 4-5 names and decided it was time to make a decision. The problem was that only one of those was Biblical and none of them had a good middle name to go with it. Ah. We naturally were searching for female middle names from the family and couldn't settle on one. When AJ and I were driving to Madison for a wedding it suddenly dawned on me that I could use my brother's middle name! It also seemed fitting that this little one is due just a few days after his birthday. So anyway, I threw out the name Selah Rhea (pronounced Ray) and he instantly like it. Problem. Solved.
Now I don't have to worry if my child will remain nameless for the rest of her life...at least with this one anyway. :)
Love her name!:)
Selah was on my list when we were prego with Caden.
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