Wednesday, April 4, 2018

5 years old {Selah}

This girl had been counting down to her birthday for about six months. And it finally came. I like to say she is five going on 15. (What 4 year old would ask for fancy dresses and pink lip gloss?) Her eagerness to grow up is unmatched. Nearly every day she will ask if she is a little taller. Now that her fifth birthday is over, she is already planning for her sixth! 

She is very particular about her clothes, and has her own unique style. She loves to wear dresses and necklaces, headbands, the works. But then there is the occasional walk-out-on-a-limb day when she wants to wear a shirt and pants. *gasp*

She has an obsession with checking the tag of every item of clothing to see if she can hand it down to her cousin. She will go through Evangeline's clothes often and check her tags to see if any of them say 5T...which automatically just makes them hers. Score!

She loves to be silly. But at the same time she is very practical in her thinking. She keeps her silly for when she's at home, but is very practical when we are in public. She is very quiet when "outsiders" are around but is chatty-Kathy when she is comfortable with you.

I'm not very productive during nap time because she has our schedule all planned out. She loves playing games like UNO, memory match, Guess Who?, Go Fish, and Candy Land. And I can honestly say she usually beats me. If luck is a thing, she has it. 

She still loves to play with baby dolls and Barbies. She has told me several times that she wants to be a mom when she grows up...among other things like a dancer, singer, and gymnast. She is going to be a very busy lady!

She always knows exactly what she wants. She loves being one of the "big" kids. She is very aware of things like: who wasn't in her Bible study class today (and if they've ever missed before), and which kid has NEVER been the line leader, and how many kids have lost a tooth. She loves drawing pictures for people, and remembers every single paper she has given to me...and wants to know where it's at if it's been moved. She drew one for her Bible study teacher and has diligently kept good care of this drawing for three weeks until we see her again. Gotta love the heart of a giver.

Speaking of lost teeth, she has already lost both of her bottom front teeth!! First one came loose on accident by biting into food wrong and fell out a month later. And to my surprise her permanent tooth was following right behind. Then her other bottom tooth came out over Spring Break. That adult tooth was coming in behind her baby one (making a second row of teeth)...hoping that straightens out on its own. Yikes.

She has been counting down the days to Kindergarten. This girl is motivated to learn how to read: she will grab a book and patiently sound out every word from beginning to end. She would come sit next to Ajia and blurt out answers to her homework. She is also determined that she will have Mrs. Plowman for her teacher. Every day in carpool line, she knocks on the window and waves hi and says "That's going to be my teacher!" I guess we will find out.

As much as I want my kids to stay young and never grow up, it's also fun to see them grow and mature. I love each stage and Selah has really embraced the BIG 5 year old role. We are so proud of who she is. This little girl is going to do mighty things.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

LOVE these stories!! I laughed out loud on the one about checking the clothing tags. So funny!