Thursday, April 2, 2009

5 Months

Gotta love this warmer weather! We've had the jogging stroller for about a month but have only had a chance to use it a few times. Ari loves to go for rides! He will look around for a while, but then usually ends up falling asleep. I would probably do the same.  Yes, Annie is in the picture because she goes for runs too.  People probably think we are silly, taking our little chihuahua for a run but she could out run anyone. I've never seen the dog happier. One of these days we will get a fence so she can run as much as she wants to.

Ari's next favorite thing is to pet our animals. Annie and Meowgi are so great about letting him touch them. Ari tries to bring Annie closer so he can drool on her. Here's a hug for her.

I think it's almost time we retire the Bumbo seat. Are has figured out a way to escape! Here is what he should look like in it...

And here he is arching his back and straightening his legs...

He does that until he pops the tray off. We caught him one time actually holding on to the tray and trying to put it in his mouth. Pretty entertaining since the tray is as big as he is!


The Kelly's said...

Ari is adorable! Isn't it crazy how fast time flies???

Heidi Stone said...

ahhhhh, now i see that YOU are the parents who caused them to put that warning on the bumbos about NOT putting your child on a table in one! lol.