Thursday, January 27, 2011

any suggestions?

We have been telling people for a while that we are open to any name suggestions. To our surprise we were brought this DELICIOUS ice cream cake over the weekend with a suggestion from a friend. Little did he know that ice cream cake is my absolute favorite! I am much persuaded by food these days, so if you have a name suggestion feel free to bring it on something yummy.

And if you happen to ask Ari what the name is going to be, he just might tell you her name is Baby Pink. (I don't know where he got this from but it has been her name all week.)

Monday, January 17, 2011


I did not have intentions of posting this photo until Ari saw it and exclaimed loudly in the waiting area of a restaurant "BREZA!!!!" (His version of ZEBRA!) AJ and I couldn't stop laughing. I might be somewhat paranoid of my clothing choices from now on around my 2 year old.

From the time he wakes up (and lays in bed with his eyes closed and a huge smile on his face saying "yummy blueberries" as if he were just dreaming about it) until the time he goes to sleep at night (and randomly says "no swipey no swipey"), he provides me endless hours of entertainment. This was a recent car ride and since AJ happened to be driving, I could finally capture some sing-a-longs with Ari.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

an uneventful New Year's

We kind of missed the New Year and all since Ari was sick. I suppose it came whether or not we were awake, but nonetheless we stayed in and had our own little party.

Ari had been requesting for several days to "build the house" so it worked out well. As you can see he was feeling much better at this point and I was about to fall over from nearly pulling an all-nighter the previous night.

After Ari went to bed, I had this urge to make some lemon poppy seed muffins. YUM! AJ felt the need to document such a thing. After I devoured said muffins, I couldn't stay awake 1 minute longer and we ended the 2010 year by going to bed at 10:30.

Extremely uneventful, I know. It probably didn't even deserve this blog post.

Monday, January 10, 2011

the new babe...

I am 24 weeks now and have not really posted about the new babe to come. To be completely honest, I didn't have any information to post until this week because everything was up in the air for so long (such as due date, gender, doctor, etc.). But if you are at all interested, I have included it in this post.

I officially have a due date of 5.2.11. Based on how they normally set due dates, mine would have been 4.16.11. Yes, I know. Two weeks is a big difference but I knew it would at least be the last week of April because I ovulated late. So an early ultrasound has made a new guess that the baby should be due around the beginning of May.

I have switched doctor offices and will have my first official appointment this Friday with a mid-wife. I intended on switching long ago but I had reasons to believe that our insurance would be changing as of January 2011. Since it did not, I finally was able to make this switch. This will be the 3rd (different) OB office I have visited within the last 9 months. Hopefully there will be no more change!

And last not but least...we have evidence (or lack thereof!) that says we will be welcoming a baby girl into the family. We had zero intentions to find out this soon, but I couldn't help but get excited when my doctor last week referred to the baby as a boy, multiple times. I was confused, mostly, because I wasn't sure if she meant to refer to a specific gender, and also because I was convinced from the beginning that I was having a girl. But since I didn't want to ask in fear of finding out the truth, I waited until AJ got home from work to open the envelopes that contained the answer from two different ultrasounds.

If it were a boy, I'd be happy to share the name. However, since it is a girl (so they say) I will have to refrain until we are 100% that the name isn't going to change.

My belly is probably twice as big now compared to when I was 24 weeks with Ari. I am (surprisingly!) still wearing my regular pants, but have a feeling it won't be much longer until I have to give in to those stretchy things (that make me cringe!). Or maybe I've just been missing out and I'll have a change of heart and fall in love with them and want to wear them 24/7. Who knows. Time will only tell.

Monday, January 3, 2011

things he says

I love it when kids mispronounce words or have their own version of the word. I started making a mental list of Ari's because he doesn't have that many. He speaks very clearly for a two year old and despite the fact he puts sentences together and says long words like "decorations", "armadillo", and "quacamole", he still has a few words that he doesn't say quite right. He also has a short list of words he knows in Spanish, such as nino, hola, gracias, adios, and abeula. I believe that comes from Dora or Diego. Here's the list I can think of.

His version vs. What he means to say

good boy bed=big boy bed
sorry I HONK the baby!= "sorry I woke the baby!"(a saying from a Veggie Tales song that he sings at the top of his lungs)
a quarter is worth 21 cents, not 25
hu-mon=come on (usually saying this while he grabs your hand to lead you to his toys)

I have graduated from momma to mommy now. I hope I don't graduate to just mom any time soon!

We have been working on potty training (not consistently-oops!), but when we do he does great. Although...after a little while of not wearing a diaper he goes around whining for his "clean bapper". He has tried to put it back on himself. I can't say I blame him, it's got to be a little drafty! We haven't made the switch to his big boy bed yet because we didn't want to potty train, change rooms, and change beds all at once. Besides, he really likes his bed and prefers to still sleep in the crib. He has never attempted to crawl out and usually runs up to it and asks to take his nap. I'm not ready for him to grow up so fast...although I have enjoyed each stage more and more. He is SO much fun right now, it's hard to imagine it could get any better than this.